3 Reasons to Install Speed Dome Security Cameras in your Home

Today, you still need a security camera installed on your property even if you live in a highly secure neighbourhood. It is because burglars are continually looking for new ways of gaining entry into residential houses, whether the homeowner is around or not. The good news is that various security cameras are available in the market to choose from, and one design that most homeowners are switching to is a speed dome camera. Read More 

Why Commercial CCTV Installation Is Crucial for Your Business

With the increasing crime rates, most business owners are getting more concerned about the security of their business premises. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to safeguard your business from security issues like theft and keep your inventory, clients and also employees safe. While there is no sure way to prevent crime from taking place in your business, installing CCTV cameras will significantly deter burglary and any other criminal activities. Read More 

Why Install a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera on Your CCTV System?

The cameras you install on your CCTV system are a core security component. These cameras are your eyes; they record footage that helps you identify and prosecute people who might try to get on to your property to do no good. You can choose from different types of cameras here. While some people opt for simple point-and-shoot models, others want a more comprehensive solution. In this case, a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) option works well. Read More 

Five Reasons to Fit CCTV at Home

There are plenty of good reasons to monitor business premises with video footage, but are there also benefits of fitting CCTV at your home? Given that more and more Australians are opting for domestic video security, you may have been considering its merits. Nowadays, it is less expensive than it used to be, so why might you install security cameras around your property to protect it? One – Intruder Deterrent Read More 

How much can you expect to pay for your home alarm system?

More people are realising the importance of securing their homes with alarm systems that can deter threats before they cause any harm. However, alarm systems have been thought of as being too expensive for some homeowners. While there are certainly some pricy systems in the market, what you will actually end up paying will depend on certain features that the system has. In addition, many other factors can affect your final bill. Read More